A significant number of Level 0 products contain incomplete states due to downlink or ground-station problems; such products required specific processing to generate Level 1b data filtering incomplete states. For some orbits filtering was not optimal, and some Level 1b version 8.02 products still present incomplete states, with measurements duration shorter than expected. This issue affects all types of measurements: nadir, limb, occultation and monitoring states. In these cases, incomplete states are not discarded during processing and transferred to Level 1b files generating products with reduced data content. Nadir states could have few ground-pixels missing, while for occultation measurements first or last measurements of the state could be missing. A small subset of limb states results truncated with final planned dark measurement missing in the MDS. Limb dark states are not used operationally for leakage-correction so no impact on higher level processing is expected. Users of dark current calibrations from limb dark states are recommended to verify that the last available measurement in the limb state is indeed a dark measurement with tangent height reaching 150 km.

Incomplete states can be identified inspecting geolocation, comparing the actual number of geolocations ('num_rep_geo' from states GADS) to the expected number of geolocations, calculated from the state duration and the shortest integration time. A list of 106 Level 1b consolidated products presenting truncated limb states is provided. About 20% of the corrupted limb states are mesospheric states (cat 26/27), which are not used in the operational processing.