Anomalous scan pattern
During 15 May 2008, after a MIPAS anomaly, not all the CTI were correctly uploaded to the platform. As a result we observed an anomalous scan pattern, in particular the start altitude and the latitude dependence was the one of the nominal measurements, while the altitude spacing and the number of sweeps per scan was the one of the UA mode (35 sweeps). The effect of this anomaly was that most of the sweeps in the measured scan have tangent altitude below the Earth surface (see figure). These measurements are useless for atmospheric retrieval, but some of them could be used for studying the Earth surface radiation. The problem of the CTI was solved starting from 16th May when a new set of CTI was correctly uploaded to the platform for the UA mode.

The altitudes of these measurements as a function of ANX are presented in the figure below.

All the MIPAS measurements taken during 15 May 2008 have this anomalous scan pattern and the L2 processing of these data will be strongly affected.