MIPAS Anomaly reports
You can find in this page the list of MIPAS operational processing anomalies and operational planning issues that directly affect ESA MIPAS products quality. Each entry reports the anomaly event, the affected mission interval and orbits, the IPF version and the list of wrong and re-processed products. Instrument planning issues that affect products quality are not recoverable a posteriori with a re-processing instance.

Please refer to the official ESA/ENVISAT Unavailability web page for information about MIPAS instrument mission interruption.

Processing anomaly, recovery on-going
Processing anomaly, recovery performed with re-processing
Instrument planning anomaly, not recoverable a-posteriori

Mission interval Orbits Anomaly IPF version Wrong products Corrected products
17 Feb 2012
19 Dec 2011
52128 - 52129
Anomalous values of NESR
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5.06 See the list See the list
2 Dec 2011 51024 - 51027 Anomalous slide re-initialization
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N.A. N.A. N.A.
30 Dec 2010 46181 - 46183 Anomalous number of sweeps per scan
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5.05 See the list See the list
11 Nov 2009 40256 - 40265 Anomalous L1b radiometric calibration
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5.02 See the list See the list
22 - 23 Oct 2009 39975 - 39982 Anomalous scan pattern
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N.A. N.A. N.A.
29 Sep - 12 Oct 2009 40 orbits Reoccurrence of wrong orbit in consolidated products
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4.67L02 See the list See the list
from Nov 2008 to Apr 2009 47 orbits Wrong orbit assignement in consolidated products
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4.67 See the list See the list
23 Sep 2008 34324 - 34329 Anomalous scan pattern
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N.A. N.A. N.A.
15 May 2008 32453 - 32462 Anomalous scan pattern
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N.A. N.A. N.A.
24 Apr, 5 May 2007 26911 - 26912
27098 - 27099
Overlapping L1 orbits at D-PAC
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4.67 See the list See the list
18 - 19 Apr 2007 26833 - 26843 Anomalous L1b products at D-PAC
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4.67 See the list See the list
3 - 11 Apr 2007 26610 - 26710 Anomalous scan pattern
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N.A. N.A. N.A.
7 - 18 Oct 2006 24070 - 24227 Saturated signal in band D
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N.A. N.A. N.A.
6 - 8 Aug 2006 23178 - 23216 Anomalous scan pattern
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N.A. N.A. N.A.
5 - 7 May 2006 21845 - 21883 Wrong offset at high altitude
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4.65 See the list See the list
2 - 3 May 2006 21807 - 21825 Anomalous L1b radiometric calibration
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4.65 See the list See the list
2 Oct 2005 18779 Wrong MIPAS L1 product
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4.65 See the list See the list
3 - 23 Jun
29 Jul – 11 Aug 2005
17039 - 17322
17852 - 18021
Wrong calibrated L1b data at D-PAC
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4.65 - See the list
Jan, Dec 2003
Jan 2004
20 orbits Anomalous L1b radiometric calibration resulting in unrealistically high CI
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4.61 - 4.62 See the list See the list
7 - 8 Mar
13 - 15 Mar 2003
5321 - 5426 Excessive N2O value in the stratosphere
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4.61 - 4.62 See the list See the list
13 Nov 2002 3684 Anomalous number of sweeps per scan
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5.02 See the list See the list